Sunday, July 24, 2011

I asked Annette if she ever heard of the diet coke and mentos experiment and she said no so I immediately HAD to prank her with that no matter what. Now you're probably wondering why I would do something like that and make a mess in the kitchen? It's no big deal because the kitchen and house needed to be cleaned up anyways so I figured why not make a mess first and then clean it up afterwards. Diet coke is not as thick and sticky as regular coke so cleaning it up was easy. The bonus video you saw is a classic video I created on my old smokingmonkeyvideos channel and figured I would share that with you as I doubt all of you have seen that video and it was a popular video at that time. Lick us or Link us: Sketch channel: Facebook Scott: Annette: Tweet me you twits: Tags: prankandspank prank spank thedeafonemanshow smoking monkey videos the deaf one man show cute girl mentos and diet coke experiement sucker funny comedy wtf stupid crazy entertaining hilarious humour humor boyfriend girlfriend husband wife couple mess kitchen angrylove77 nikitabanana88 prankvsprank edition laugh joke jokes laughs silly laughing facebook twitter

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